Thursday, October 05, 2006

Comments on the Readings::::::::::::

I thought this statement was interesting, "One might say that it is only the preparatory substance of the package itself is only the pass, the ticket which permits departure". In a sense it is true, all we need to is buy a ticket and we can go anywhere.

In this article the author talks about how the cities in the west are full but Tokyo is crowded but in the middle it is simple, and empty. This reminds me of the Japanese traditional way of thinking, like in the Japanese home the garden is its center. In Tokyo or other cities you will find them oddly serene with Shinto shrines, random gardens, and so on and so forth. And this sentence sums up what I feel about walking in Japan, "you must orient yourself in it not by bok, by address, but by walking, by sight, by habit, by experience; here every discovery is intense and fragile, it can be repeated or recovered only by memory of; the trace it has left in you: to visit a place for the first time is thereby to begin to write it: the address not being written, it must establish its own writing". My teacher handed me a handmade map that looked like it was created in a art program like photoshop. It was simple, and had no names, only the most biggest places. Several fieldtrips worth, I have had to randomly try to find somewhere complicated and the only way to find it was asking, "Doku desu ka" multiple times until I found it.


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